Simply beautiful
It's not often you get such a nice little flash game like this, with great controls, a teary soundtrack, and a cuteness level to rival that of newborn puppies. My girlfriend and I have played through this game, and it's made her day completely.
I can't figure out what I like best about this game, but as a musician I'd have to say Ockeroid's music sets the mood brilliantly, with appropriate changes in different game areas. The 'boss' music perhaps had a recycled sound to it, but had great effect (as did the silence as well :)
The level design is crisp and makes great use of simple architecture. As the game progresses and you find extra parts, you adapt to the controls as you go along, and level design makes use of extras for appropriate shortcuts, all aiding the friendly learning curve this game provides. It expects nothing more than reasonable adeptness to platformers. The camera effects are astounding, even though they are incredibly simple it provides depth I don't see in flash games often.
It was fun to play, and the only negativity is the invincibility/explosion/escape - created an abrupt ending to a game I was otherwise enjoying :) Overall I give this a harsh 8 - nothing was wrong with it, the length was about right (I was worried it would take days), but the ending was slightly disappointing. I really am looking forward to a sequel, for this game made for an excellent end to my evening, thank you :)